Friday, February 14, 2020

How to get your ex back fast by text message

Do the memories you created with your partner haunts you all night? Are you unable to get over from your recent breakup? Well, we understand that life is never the same without the one you have once fallen head over heels in love with. And, if you want to give your relationship a second try by setting up fire in your partner’s heart, then this article is exclusively for you. 

1.       Figure out if they still think of you
To know how to get your ex back, the first thing you need to find out is whether your partner still has a soft corner for you or not. Now, you must be wondering how to do that; well, it’s not rocket science. Meet your common friends and ask them if your ex still talks about you or the time you two have spent together. It might do the stars in your favour.  In case, if any of your close friends tell you something that your partner is happy without you or her/he has found someone else, then trust us, it is the time to stop putting all your efforts. 
2.         A “sorry” can do wonders
Sorry might seem a five-letter word to you, but it has the power to heal what’s hurt. Find out what’s got wrong between you two. Try to find out the solution and then contact your ex to persuade him/her. Things might go in your way. While doing so, make sure you do not hurt your self-respect.
3.           Don’t say anything negative about your partner 
If you have friends in common (with whom you can openly discuss your relationship and who actually care for you), then never say anything wrong about him/her. If possible, speak something that can work in your favour. 
4.         Don’t hustle
Don’t do anything in the heat of the moment as it may worsen up the things. Give some time and space to your partner so that he/she can think over the things with a from him/her or a common friend of yours tells you that he/she still misses cool head. Hit the iron when it is hot; in other words, when you hear a word

you, then take the right step. 

This could be anything, such as sending him/her a text message or sending him/her a bunch of flowers, etc. To know more on how to get your ex back fast by text message, make sure you start with a normal message asking him/her about the wellbeing. 
After giving your all, if you still get nothing, then it is better to focus on yourself and do things that make you happy. Remember, there is nothing above or beyond than self-love. 

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